National Luna BlueTooth Control Upgrade

Great news! You can now upgrade your pre-2022 National Luna camping fridge with BlueTooth control! This optional enhancement replaces your existing control panel with a brand-new faceplate and BlueTooth connectivity. The BlueTooth capable Control Panel is available for all National Luna models manufactured from 2009 onwards, including dual-control and single-compartment units. More good news is …

Trend Change – National Luna’s New 35-Litre & 45-Litre Camping Fridges Confirm Market Change

Throughout our 35-year history, National Luna has seen many trend changes in the outdoor market. Traditionally, we’ve catered for campers in the caravan, trailer and large-4×4 segments; however, in recent years, we’ve noticed a shift (or expansion) into smaller vehicles. These outdoor enthusiasts typically favour minimalist camping, or short-term trips, where their equipment needs are …

National Luna’s New Low-Profile 70-Litre Fridge Freezer

Deciding what size fridge you need is often your first decision before buying a camping fridge-freezer. If you need help choosing, here’s a quick blog. Fortunately, with 15 models to choose from, you can find the perfect-sized National Luna for your vehicle. However, as the off-road / camping market evolves, so does the need for …

New National Luna Bluetooth App

Remotely controlling a camping fridge or dual-battery system is nothing new. Wireless controls – and even wired ones – have been around for several years. However, the possibility of having numerous camping products remotely operated and monitored via a single app on your smartphone… well, that’s pretty exciting. Let’s face it, most of us have …

National Luna fridges now with Bluetooth connectivity

Here’s the scenario… You’re lying in your rooftop tent, sleepily drifting off to the sounds of the bush and light rain drizzling against the tent’s fabric. Suddenly, your eyes slam open and you quickly turn to your wife: “Did you adjust the fridge’s temperature?”. Over the years, you’ve gotten into the wise habit of adjusting …

What Size Camping Fridge Do I Need?

The decision to purchase a 12V camping fridge is invariably followed by another question: What size fridge do I need? While the answer may seem straightforward and/or limited to the size of your vehicle, the option of a single-compartment fridge, or a dual-control unit, does add some complexity to the decision. On that note, let’s …

Camping Fridge Power Consumption

PART2: HOW TEMPERATURE SETTINGS AFFECT YOUR CAMPING FRIDGE’S POWER CONSUMPTION In last month’s blog, we looked at how ambient temperatures affect your camping fridge’s power consumption. We did this by comparing the energy efficiency of a common camping fridge, where the internal temperature was set at 4ºC, and the ambient temperature was altered through 21ºC, …

How Much Power Does A 12V Camping Fridge Use?

PART 1 Knowing how much power your camping fridge uses is an important step in knowing how much battery energy you need. It also helps when calculating your required solar-panel size. While several factors affect your fridge’s energy use, ambient temperature is one of the most impactful. Other factors include: Your preferred temperature setting The …

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