Is ’n 12 V-kampyskas regtig die moeite werd?

Jy gaan die een of ander tyd in jou kampplek staan en wens jy het ’n draagbare 12 V-kamp yskas gehad. Maar teen ’n koste van sowat R10 000 is die kans goed dat jou kampyskas meer as die een in jou kombuis gaan kos! ’n Ordentlike kampyskas kan ook vyf keer meer as ’n …

Creating the ultimate 12V LED camping light

Admittedly, we didn’t think much of LED technology when it first appeared in the outdoor market. At the time, we were one of the word’s largest manufacturers of 12VDC fluorescent lights, and it was clear that LEDs had a long way to go before they could rival the light quality of a good fluorescent.   …

Is a 12V camping fridge really worth it?

At some point in your camping ‘career’, you may find yourself yearning for a 12V portable fridge. However, at a cost of ten thousand rand or more, there’s a good chance that your future outdoor fridge will cost more than your household unit – which you use every day!   Likewise, at this price, a new …