Vat Die Pad Met Die Regte Toerusting

Om tyd in die wildernis deur te bring hoef nie intimiderend te wees nie. Hier is ses stukkies raad vir wanneer jy die langpad vat wat kamp makliker maak en jou help om vir langer (en verder!) te kan verken. National Luna is die voorkeurverskaffer aan Avis Safari Rentals en sy hardwerkende vloot 4×4’s wat …

Watter Dubbelbatterylaaiers Werk Die Beste?

Verlede maand het julle oor dubbel batterystelsels geskryf en net vinnig na dubbelbattery-laaiers verwys, spesifiek solenoïedstelsels versus GS-tot-GS-laaiers. Het julle enige raad vir my as ek ’n gesplete laaistelsel wil koop? Die debat oor watter stelsel die beste is (solenoïed of GS-tot-GS-laaiers) woed al jare lank. Ongelukkig doen baie verkeerde inligting hieroor die ronde, wat …

Which split-charging system is best?

Last month, we wrote about dual-battery selection and touched on the subject of split-charging systems, specifically solenoid systems versus DC-to-DC chargers. Before you rush off and make a purchase, we have some advice on split-charging systems. The debate on which system is best (solenoid or DC-to-DC) has been raging for years. Unfortunately, the subject is …

Take A Load Off

6 overland solutions that will ease your camping life and help you explore further for longer.   ICE AGE Nothing has revolutionised our outdoor way of life quite like the 12V camping fridge. Gone are the days of melted ice and floating lamb chops; today, we’re able to run a powerful 12V fridge (at ice-cream-freezing …

Build A Box & Customise Your Own Power Needs

AUXILIARY BATTERY BOX   A well-known bumper sticker reads, “Camping: where wealthy people spend a fortune to act homeless.”   Love it or hate it, the sticker does raise an interesting question about camping equipment, namely: how do you define necessity over luxury? Obviously, that question will depend on the individual, but generally speaking, most …

Dual Battery Facts & Fables

IF YOUR AUXILIARY BATTERY ISN’T PLUGGED IN TO A NATIONAL LUNA INTELLIGENT MAINTENANCE CHARGER, IT MIGHT LET YOU DOWN WHEN YOU’RE FAR FROM HOME… A recent survey revealed that most people with a dual-battery system in their vehicle believe that driving for a few hours will restore power to their auxiliary battery. It seems many …

Dubbelbatterye: Feite & Fabels

As jou ekstra battery nie by ’n National Luna-instandhoudingslaaier ingeprop is nie, gaan dit jou dalk in die steek laat as jy ver van die huis af is… National Luna is ’n 30 jaar oue Suid-Afrikaanse maatskappy wat die wêreld se grootste verskeidenheid kommersiële 12V-yskaste en -vrieskaste bied. Hy is die voorkeurverskaffer van die meeste …

Is ’n 12 V-kampyskas regtig die moeite werd?

Jy gaan die een of ander tyd in jou kampplek staan en wens jy het ’n draagbare 12 V-kamp yskas gehad. Maar teen ’n koste van sowat R10 000 is die kans goed dat jou kampyskas meer as die een in jou kombuis gaan kos! ’n Ordentlike kampyskas kan ook vyf keer meer as ’n …

Creating the ultimate 12V LED camping light

Admittedly, we didn’t think much of LED technology when it first appeared in the outdoor market. At the time, we were one of the word’s largest manufacturers of 12VDC fluorescent lights, and it was clear that LEDs had a long way to go before they could rival the light quality of a good fluorescent.   …