Which Battery Box Solution Is Best For You?

While the benefits of a portable-battery system are seemingly obvious (mobility around camp, backup household use, and an easy installation in your vehicle or trailer), deciding which portable system is best for you, isn’t always so clear. To help with the decision, here’s a breakdown of National Luna’s full range of class-leading battery boxes, starting …

What Size Camping Fridge Do I Need?

The decision to purchase a 12V camping fridge is invariably followed by another question: What size fridge do I need? While the answer may seem straightforward and/or limited to the size of your vehicle, the option of a single-compartment fridge, or a dual-control unit, does add some complexity to the decision. On that note, let’s …

Camping Fridge Power Consumption

PART2: HOW TEMPERATURE SETTINGS AFFECT YOUR CAMPING FRIDGE’S POWER CONSUMPTION In last month’s blog, we looked at how ambient temperatures affect your camping fridge’s power consumption. We did this by comparing the energy efficiency of a common camping fridge, where the internal temperature was set at 4ºC, and the ambient temperature was altered through 21ºC, …

How Much Power Does A 12V Camping Fridge Use?

PART 1 Knowing how much power your camping fridge uses is an important step in knowing how much battery energy you need. It also helps when calculating your required solar-panel size. While several factors affect your fridge’s energy use, ambient temperature is one of the most impactful. Other factors include: Your preferred temperature setting The …

National Luna’s New ‘Gen 2’ Portable Power Pack

Back in 2018, National Luna launched a new battery-box option which our customers nicknamed : ‘The Black Box’. The product featured a patented faceplate design that was a big leap forward from our original Portable Power Pack (Aka: The Grey Box) where the plug points are mounted on the side of the unit.   The …

Gift Ideas for the Adventure Family

PORTABLE ICE MAKER If you’re looking for a cool gift idea that never stops giving, look no further than our hugely popular Portable Ice Maker. Featuring a cycle time of just 6 to 13 minutes, the NL12 Ice Maker is capable of producing up to 12 kg of ice in a 24-hour period. And, unlike many …

SNEAK PEAK: National Luna’s new 40A DC-DC power pack

In a recent technical column, we described the pros and cons of using a 40A DC-DC charger versus a 25A unit. You can read that blog piece here, otherwise, here’s a summarised version below… 25A VERSUS 40A Although a 40A DC-DC charger appears to be the ultimate dual-battery solution, the benefit of using a 40A …

What size solar panel do you need for camping?

Solar panel prices are at an all time low. From just 2016 to 2020 panel prices have dropped by up to 66%. Meaning, the panels themselves are now one of the cheapest components in a solar/PV system. Remarkably, the technology keeps improving in terms of efficiency and performance, allowing you to get more for your …


Which is best? An installed dual-battery system, or a portable unit?   Dual-battery systems generally come in two formats:   1)  Installed units that are permanently mounted within your vehicle, or… 2)  Those packaged within a portable power pack / battery box.   If you’re having trouble deciding which solution is right for you, here’s …

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